

Grant/Award Program
Instructions for Grant/Award Application Forms
Award Recipients

Instructions for Grant/Award Application Forms

1. Instructions for Grant/Award Application Forms  2025

Please prepare and send one original copy of the application forms (A) -(E) in MS-word andPDF file according to the following.

1. All forms must be sent to:
Chairman of the Selection Committee
The Nagai Foundation Tokyo
Yayoi 2-4-16, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
Tel/Fax: +81 3 3817 0588
E-mail: office@nagai-found.or.jp

2. Deadline: December 20, 2024

3. All forms must be typed or printed on regular A4 size (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm) white typingpapers.

Letter of application of one page: This may be submitted by the applicant himself/herself orsomeone recommending the applicant who may receive the grant, including the following itemsin the order given.    
Word File/PDF File

1)Type of grant for which application is being made (Please see "GRANT/AWARD PROGRAM").

2)The name and affiliation of the applicant himself/herself or someone recommending theapplicant.

3)The name and affiliation of the applicant who may receive the grant.

4)The applicant's project, planning, and schedule (In case of "Conference Grant" or "Publication/Information Grant," please add an explanation of the status, history, significance,and any other relevant matters of the organization).

5)The amount of grant support desired with an itemized budget (except for "InternationalAward").

6)Any other relevant information: a copy of call for papers or URL and an acceptance of thepaper should be attached for applying for the "Conference Grant" and "Travel Grant".

(B)Letter of agreement of one page: The applicant (grant recipient or nominator) agrees thatif the application is granted, upon completion of the project, the grant recipient will do thefollowing; write a report of the results of the project to the Foundation: acknowledge in afootnote and/or acknowledgment in any related publications that the recipient received grantsupport from the Foundation; provide to the Foundation a copy of reprint of each relatedpublication; to agree to the publication of the report in the Foundation's annual report.

(C)Letters of recommendation : one page in any style at least two

(D)The applicant's curriculum vitae : one page in any style

(E)List of the applicant's major 10‐15 research papers in the last 5 years

2. Selection and Grant/AWARD Presentation Schedule 2025

Application: Completed applications must be received no later than December 20, 2024. Pleasesee the Foundation's home page :  

Selection:Nominees will be selected by the Selection Committee, and finally approved by theBoard of Trustees. Applicants will be informed of the results before the end of March, 2025

Presentation of Grant: After April 1, 2025, and when the project selected is confirmed toproceed.

For Further information, please contact the following by E-mail to

Selection Committee
The Nagai Foundation Tokyo
Yayoi 2-4-16, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
Tel: +81 3 3817 0588 E-Mail:

  All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C) The Nagai Foundation Tokyo